What's the best glue for a bottom bracket?

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Yeah, yeah, I know, not ideal but...

Old bike, old-style BB, wanted to replace it 'cos the thread on the left side of the shell's not the best and the cup keeps working loose. But cannot shift the drive side cup for love nor money. (It's probably been there 50 years. So, two options: junk the frame, which I'm loathe to do, or find some way to make the original BB cup stay put. I was thinking Araldite? But is it just too brittle? Will it stay? Anyone have any better suggestions?


Senior Member
They glue jet airplanes together with it so it should be ok. Use the standard Araldite not rapid and make sure you leave it for 72 hours. The problem that I can see is that you'll never remove the part again. Is the internal thread completely damaged. Just a wild idea, could you use thread lock, PTFE tape or loctite or is the thread too loose.
If you could find some way to ream/drill/saw out the stuck one then you could put a threadless BB in - I had to use one for stripped threads on the BB shell and so far its been fine. As to how you would get it out, even destructively I'm not really sure; back when I had access to a full size lathe I reckon I could have done it with the correct tool on that, but not sure what else would do the job... Never seen a drill bit that big for a normal drill!


Thanks. Think I'll start out with Araldite and see how it goes. I'm not that bothered about never getting it out again - this is just a temporary bike for a teen - she'll grow out of it long before the BB wears out. The Shoe-goo looks great! I'm going to get some to repair my old walking boots!


Can you not get your LBS to recut the trheads for you or are they too far gone - in which case +1 for PTFE.


It's not really worth engineering, and I think it's too far gone for PTFE. Araldite should do it. I was only slightly concerned about whether it might be too brittle...but I think it's worth a try. If it all goes pear-shaped it's no massive loss...it's an old frame I got off ebay 'cos I wanted the single chainset for me fixie - it was only when I picked it up I realised it was actually quite a nice piece - probably 531 under the crude DIY paint job. But like I say, not worth spending big money on.


Pauluk, could you please give me some evidence of your quote.
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