Was just wondering what to the best clothing to wear whilst cycling to work?
Currently in this weather I wear a normal long sleeve top, jeans (im sure this isn't the best thing) a light weight waterproof coat and waterproof trousers if it rains. Fingerless cotton gloves.
I have read a few things and I have just got confused. Am I right in thinking that I should wear a base layer, and a jersey?
or would a base layer and a lightweight coat be ok?
Anyone recommend any cheap gloves and shoes???
Was just wondering what to the best clothing to wear whilst cycling to work?
Currently in this weather I wear a normal long sleeve top, jeans (im sure this isn't the best thing) a light weight waterproof coat and waterproof trousers if it rains. Fingerless cotton gloves.
I have read a few things and I have just got confused. Am I right in thinking that I should wear a base layer, and a jersey?
or would a base layer and a lightweight coat be ok?
Anyone recommend any cheap gloves and shoes???