What on earth happened to my legs?

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Senior Member
Evening all. First post here. Been cycling for just over a year now, mainly commuting about 50 miles a week with longer 30-70 mile rides on days off. Location for rides is Norfolk, so big climbs are rare if they exist at all.

Preamble over. I'm in Cornwall for the week visiting in-laws so I won't say I'm 'on holiday' as such:laugh:. I've brought my bike with me to get some proper climbs in.

Today was a 40 mile ride with about 2750ft ascent, several 12-15% climbs and a couple of 25%+ ones. Now I know why they say Norfolk is flat. As I came to one of the last climbs, say about 12% for ¹/⁴ mile, my legs locked straight, couldn't bend them, huge pain in my quads, had to stand up in my saddle due to the lack of bend. They were seriously locked out, almost hyperextending. I managed to get off, fell into a verge, legs still locked. Couldn't force them to bend by pulling them, just had to wait, about 3 minutes, for it to subside. When I tried to stand up... boom... there it was again.

What the hell is going on? Cramp is all I can put it down to.


Legendary Member
Sounds like cramp


Senior Member
Never had a feeling like it though. I've been into phys for 20 years, mainly weight training and martial arts, so cycling is a bit of a new world for me. Any tips how to avoid it?

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Hi Tomasz and welcome.

I feel your pain.

For a long old while I rode about and avoided all the hills. As I a tall chap with a stocky build, hills and I just don't get on naturally. That said, I rode a lot at a very good pace and considered myself pretty "bike fit".

Until I went on my first club ride... its was just hill after hill and I was exhausted, totally spent and even struggled to drive the car afterwards.

Took me a while to conquer even basic hills but I'm getting there and can sprint up a few small hills in my area now, When I ride with new riders it impresses me how much I've come on as I see guys struggling on hills that I don't really consider hills any more.

it'll come, if you want it to...or you can rest in the knowledge that Norfolk is home, where hills are rare.
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