what kit

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mick h

Senior Member
Hi all I was just wandering when you go out on a ride. What sort of kit do you take with you. I. E! Clothing. Spares etc. And do you carry it all in a ruck sack. Only I've getting a racer roadworthy and the thought of carrying a rucksack would probably give you back ache


I carry a backpack quite often without any problems.


Proud Daddy
I have panniers and always take one with me. Asthma inhalers, puncture repair kit, phone, wallet. I really need a saddle bag, it would be lighter and still have room for everything.


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
I avoid carrying any kind of backpack when I can. I've a variety of sizes of saddlebag to suit pretty much whatever I want to carry.
The only exception I make is trips to the gym and to the shops, but those are on bike with bullhorn bars not drops.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Depends if you are riding for commuting or for fun .

When i commute i use panniers and i carry...
sandwiches, clothes, spare gloves, spare buff, windproof,waterproof leggings , pump, multi tool kit,tyre boot, tyre levers, 2 inner tubes, puncture repair kit ,overshoes ,+ phone /money etc

When i go for a non work ride i use a saddle bag that clips underneath the seat + jersey pocket`s
water bottle ,pump(on bike frame )multi tool , inner tube,tyre levers, puncture repair kit, energy bar , phone / money
mick h

mick h

Senior Member
As I will only be riding for fun.I think. I would need a saddle bag so if I was to carry
Water bottle and pump on the bike
Innertubes x2
Puncture repair kit
Tyre levers
Phone & money
Would this be a good kit bag as I don't want to be miles from home and missing a simple peice of kit
Thanks for the replys


As long as I breathe, I attack.
If i was starting from scratch i would be tempted by one of these...

For a pump i use a race rocket..

Plenty of saddle bags about so you can buy the size you want or another option is to use a bottle cage to mount a kit , although in summer i need both bottle cages for longer rides .

As for water proofs it depends on how hard you intend to cycle , if your going to be pushing it i find anything more than a softshell /showerproof and i "boil in the bag " so i tend to just carry a packable windproof i can stick in my jersey pocket.

Another option for a bit more space is to get a little bag that sits on the top tube , a couple of pounds from china and it has room for bits and bobs , when i did my 1st sportive i used to store gels.


Hip Priest

Backpack (with reflective cover) containing:

Work clothes
Spare tube, levers patches...etc
Mini pump

Jersey pockets containing:

Chocolate bar

Saddle bag containing:

Spare tube, levers patches...etc
Mini pump
Credit card


Well-Known Member
How long are you riding for at a time? Check the weather before you go out and you may or may not need extra clothing!

Whn i go for recreational rides (the only sort i do) I take pump and water bottle(s) on the frame of the bike; in a small saddle pack i have an innertube, puncture repair kit, allen key, tyre levers and multi tool. In my jersey pockets i take some cash, debit card (sometimes), house keys, phone, and some food.
IF it looks like rain i take a waterproof - it fits in a jersey pocket.


Well-Known Member
I strip it right down for recreational rides. Water bottle with an iso drink in it, and one of those tiny Continental saddle bags with a tube, two levers and a micro multi tool in it ... plus a CO2 inflator. The phone is also the bike computer and is on the bars. Jersey has house keys and a tenner in it. For clothes, I don't venture out if it is actually raining, so dress according to temperature. A bit of light rain can be refreshing.

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=53.320625,-1.979904


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I've got a saddle bag on all the bikes which has:
  • Asthma inhaler
  • Multi-function tool
  • Tyre levers and puncture kit/patches
  • Antiseptic wipes, plasters & wet wipes
  • Snack food (any)
  • Emergency contact and medical details
There's also usually a pump and sometimes an inner tube and a lock. On me I carry:
  • Cash & a credit / debit card in a plastic bank bag (like lots of us!)
  • Mobile phone
  • Small snack
mick h

mick h

Senior Member
Thanks for all the advice. I've got a very good idea now what I need to carry. At the moment I'm thinking about giveing the bike a complete makeover I. E. Respray. New mudgaurds etc. So it will be a few weeks yet before I start. But when I do it will be only for fun. By the way what's the best way to start cycling as I haven't been on a bike for 25yrs

Asa Post

Super Iconic Legend
Reading this thread, it's obvious that I carry more than most people everyone else^_^ . cyberknight has a reasonable kit, but where's the pliers, mole wrench, first aid kit and Swiss Army knife?
Then there's the bladder with 3 litres of water.
All in a backpack. Total weight c.16 lb. :ohmy: :blush:
I know it's over the top, but whenever I decide to leave something out, that little internal voice starts saying "Yes, but what if....."
So I think of it as a form of resistance training. :heat:


I avoid carrying any kind of backpack when I can. I've a variety of sizes of saddlebag to suit pretty much whatever I want to carry.
The only exception I make is trips to the gym and to the shops, but those are on bike with bullhorn bars not drops.
...but I need me jam sarnies and fruit cake pete !
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