What I've found out..

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Senior Member
On my first 2 rides..
I knew I was unfit but bloody hell, I didn't realise just how unfit. I thought I'd be able to do around 5 miles.. not a chance! Managed 2.4 miles today! TBH I'm not getting out of breath or tired.. it's like my legs just give up and turn to lead.


Well-Known Member
All i can say is....just keep at it !
I think everyone on here can empathise with your situation, i myself started cycling for the first time since being a kid like 30 years earlier last july & went through a very similar start, had to work VERY hard for quite a long time.......but i just did a nice enjoyable 52 miler on Sunday gone....so it does get easier & more enjoyable slowly.
Just try to set baby targets & give yourself time to acheive them.
Good luck :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
You've started, well done!
Just try to get out as often as you can, even if for only 20 or 30 minutes, and stop before you feel sore or exhausted. Your cycling fitness will improve rapidly, just don't get too bothered with speed and mileage at this stage.:smile:


No longer a Specialized fanboy
I knew I was unfit but bloody hell, I didn't realise just how unfit. I thought I'd be able to do around 5 miles.. not a chance! Managed 2.4 miles today!

Sounds like my first ride...

TBH I'm not getting out of breath or tired.. it's like my legs just give up and turn to lead.

But thats different, I was leaning over the handlebars, blurred vision and ready to puke over my front Continental!

The good news is that improvements will come quickly, if you keep chippping away at it.


Get your mileage and targets into perspective. there are the HLaB, SittingDuck. Auntie_Helen, keithoates and ianrauk
on this 'parish' who will do 10,000 miles per annum and then there is the national average of circa 54 miles. So 2.5 miles is an outstanding start if you are looking to exceed the national average :wahhey: If you are aiming to challenge the others on Mycycling log then it a decent start but room for considerable improvement. Me I am just happy to keep cycling


Don't forget though that you're using your muscles in a different way. Even if you are fit and take exercise, cycling is a different method!

Make sure you set yourself little agrees such as get out cycling twice this week or go at least 3 miles on your next ride then 5, 10 etc.

Those milestones will come quickly and you'll soon be making even more progress !


Legendary Member
On my first 2 rides..
I knew I was unfit but bloody hell, I didn't realise just how unfit. I thought I'd be able to do around 5 miles.. not a chance! Managed 2.4 miles today! TBH I'm not getting out of breath or tired.. it's like my legs just give up and turn to lead.

We've all been there, keep at it, build your distances slowly and by the end of the summer you will be telling us about your first 50 miler.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
The great thing about cycling is that you can just take it easy and go at your own pace, don't push it. If you see a comforting hostelry or cafe take the strain off for a while and carry on! Remember there is no effort required down hill!.


Legendary Member
Sounds like you are trying to push too hard a gear and asking too much of leg muscles that are not used to that level of exertion. Make sure you are in a gear that feels easy and lets you 'spin' your legs at a comfortable rate. Better to be out a bit longer at an easy pace than burning up your leg muscles trying to do much too soon.
You're out and about and that's the most important thing! When I first started cycling I rode 4 miles and thought I'd gone to the moon and back. It'll all come in time..just enjoy being out there and knowing that you're getting fitter and stronger all the time (even if it feels like your legs are gonna drop off!!!). Good luck!


Active Member
Wigton Cumbria
Similar story here, did my first ride last August of 3 miles and it was torture.
Just stick at it and you'll amaze yourself with what you are capable of.
Well done for getting out.


World class procrastinator
Well done on getting out on your bike, just keep at it and it will come. Take your time and don't worry about setting any records, just pedal along and enjoy. I am planning getting back on my bike tomorrow, after a long lay off so I shall be suprised if I can manage 5 miles and anticipate a long hot bath for my aching legs.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Sounds like you are trying to push too hard a gear and asking too much of leg muscles that are not used to that level of exertion. Make sure you are in a gear that feels easy and lets you 'spin' your legs at a comfortable rate. Better to be out a bit longer at an easy pace than burning up your leg muscles trying to do much too soon.

This is good advice right here. Build up slowly and before you know it you will be riding further than you could have thought possible.

I remember riding home on day 2 of my new cycle commute and thinking to myself 'You're not going to be able to do this'. Cpl of days later I did a 1 hour ride on a Saturday morning and got a bit eager on one of the 'hills'. 2 days later after no cycling and I couldn't walk down the stairs. Legs were in agony and totally ceased up - quads felt like they had been ripped apart with rusty coathangers. I healed and got back on the bike... came on here and found out about cadence and saddle height. I also started to do stretches after rides and found that helped, as a beginner. The commutes got easier and the weekend rides got further.

If you're just starting off and do a bit of research on here the improvements will probably be quite rapid. Keep it up... Spring is just around the corner and by Summer, you'll be flying!


Well done.It gets easier as everyone else has said on here.
Just a couple more tips to help you along.
Make sure your bike is set up right for you.Too low a saddle height will make it hard work for you and will make you work harder than you need to.
Correct Tyre pressures will help you too.
What type of bike are you riding?

Keep going and good luck,let us know how you are getting on.
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