Fuelled with Jelly Babies
- Location
- South Wales
FNRttc and other similar rides are popular so there must be an attraction is it just me that cant see it?
http://3.bp.blogspot...1600/Slide3.GIFFNRttc and other similar rides are popular so there must be an attraction is it just me that cant see it?
FNRttc and other similar rides are popular so there must be an attraction is it just me that cant see it?
The wild life at night can be fantastic
of course there are those that trace night rides back to Large Group Awareness Training, the most famous example of which was Erhard Seminar Training. The idea is that if you deprive a large group of people of sleep while presenting them with a challenge which is both unusual and safe, it can have a transformative effect - although the nature of the transformation is disputed. At the end of the session participants believe that they have experienced reality as never before and talk of heightened sensory and social perceptions. It's not unusual for participants to form strong personal relationships with each other.
Studies indicate that the effects can be long lasting, particularly if the group is heterogeneous and given to beer drinking. LGAT is widely disparaged by professional psychotherapists, who accuse the practioners of cultism. The practitioners shrug this accusation off and go back to counting their millions.
During August's FNRttS Kim on a recumbent was ambushed by a Badger half-way up Chinnor hillThe wild life at night can be fantastic