what happens to bikes that are left locked up in a bad condition?

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Über Member
I ask this as recently i have seen outside my work a Bike locked up, it was locked there about six-eight months ago then i noticed a wheel missing, then the other one, then the seat plus post and now everything in gone apart from the frame,
I was tempted to put a note cable tied to it to see who owned it as the frame is still reasonable and i'd want to buy it, i see three or four bikes in this condition every day on the same journey to and from work, all are slowly getting ruined, so what happens to them?
anyone know?


Well-Known Member
My link I don' t know but if they were locked like this then no one would pinch anything from them :thumbsup:


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
a similar thing happened to a Marin locked up outside Lancaster Library a few years back. A friend of mine had his eye on the frame, being the only thing left, along with the forks... he went to the police, asked them if he could have it, as it's been there for months, they said yes and stood by him whilst he took to the lock with a hacksaw... so ask the police... it's nothing more than litter at this stage.
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