The brakes on my bike aren't very good, and I wondered if anyone could offer any advice?
Here is the set-up (excuse the mess in the store-room at work) Ideally I'd like the yoke to sit lower, but it's virtually touching the mudguard at this height, and the mudguard is as low as it can go.
The brakes work, and feel nice and 'solid' but they feel like they are slowing you down rather than stopping you, if you know what I mean. On the last little bit of downhill on they way to work I feel I have to keep the brakes on a bit so it doesn't get too fast in order that I can make the sharp right half-way down.
I previously has these brakes and levers on a different frame/wheels so although they're not new, they're new to these wheels - I've only ridden them on this bike three times, but this coincides with it getting colder - could it just be that the rubber is hard because of the cold?
Here is the set-up (excuse the mess in the store-room at work) Ideally I'd like the yoke to sit lower, but it's virtually touching the mudguard at this height, and the mudguard is as low as it can go.
The brakes work, and feel nice and 'solid' but they feel like they are slowing you down rather than stopping you, if you know what I mean. On the last little bit of downhill on they way to work I feel I have to keep the brakes on a bit so it doesn't get too fast in order that I can make the sharp right half-way down.
I previously has these brakes and levers on a different frame/wheels so although they're not new, they're new to these wheels - I've only ridden them on this bike three times, but this coincides with it getting colder - could it just be that the rubber is hard because of the cold?