Would any of these bikes last for a few years(at least 2)
You’d be better off looking for a second hand, well maintained Carrera Subway, pretty bombproof but will still need maintenance and consumable parts replacing as needed.
Avoid anything at that price point with suspension, it’ll be rubbish and heavy and unnecessary for roads/light off road (if you’re doing proper mountain biking you’ll need rather better)
https://www.tredz.co.uk/.Forme-Atlow-7S-700c-2023-Hybrid-Classic-Bike_234861.htm?sku=774972&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Hybrid bikes&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhY-aBhCUARIsALNIC04mIRpU9GtWdFztyneMd5e865d0o4Agwp4PNBf02ortMkGeDDD5k80aAkQUEALw_wcB
Could you stretch to this??
What to you intend to do with it??
Road, gravel, canals, trail, mountain???
You’d be better off looking for a second hand, well maintained Carrera Subway, pretty bombproof but will still need maintenance and consumable parts replacing as needed.
Avoid anything at that price point with suspension, it’ll be rubbish and heavy and unnecessary for roads/light off road (if you’re doing proper mountain biking you’ll need rather better)