yes yes all
here it is the exciting what bike post!
im looking for 2 yes 2 bikes. one male and one female.
the bikes will be used often for commuting and lesiure, i guess im looking for a hybrid? yes people i have done my google research.
anyway im deciding to use the car less and get biking, for fun and fitness, i have recently quit smoking and cycling really helps, plus its mad fun yar.
im not looking to do any mental biking jumping off things and riding over logs and through rivers etc just for the city and off road, by off road i mean country parks perhaps forests etc.
so i need a decent bike with speed and sturdiness.
now i havent got a lot of cash but would like help in getting two bikes for no more than 400 pounds. now i know im not going to get anything amazing for this price but looking through argos and halfords is pointless and impartial.
so people a decent bike for general use for an average price.
(please accept my apolgies for spelling, its not great anyway and since im in poland the spell check is all messed up)
here it is the exciting what bike post!
im looking for 2 yes 2 bikes. one male and one female.
the bikes will be used often for commuting and lesiure, i guess im looking for a hybrid? yes people i have done my google research.
anyway im deciding to use the car less and get biking, for fun and fitness, i have recently quit smoking and cycling really helps, plus its mad fun yar.
im not looking to do any mental biking jumping off things and riding over logs and through rivers etc just for the city and off road, by off road i mean country parks perhaps forests etc.
so i need a decent bike with speed and sturdiness.
now i havent got a lot of cash but would like help in getting two bikes for no more than 400 pounds. now i know im not going to get anything amazing for this price but looking through argos and halfords is pointless and impartial.
so people a decent bike for general use for an average price.
(please accept my apolgies for spelling, its not great anyway and since im in poland the spell check is all messed up)