What Bike? Advice needed please

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Well-Known Member
hi all, im glad i found this great forum.

i wonder if you can advise on what bike is best for me?

id like to start commuting to work which is about 8 miles each way from home, mainly to save costs and to lose some weight.

i dont want to spend mega monies on a bike just incase i dont get on with cycling as a hobby but i intend to use the bike in my spare time too and with the kids.

i can seem myself going down canal cycle routes and sort of non tarmac surfaces so i think a hybrid is the way forward.

im 84kg at the moment and 5ft 9in tall.

any ideas on what bike model/brands i should be looking for? i think budget would be £300 ideally but can go little higher at a push.

Thanks all


New Member
Unless you're confident doing repairs yourself I would recommend buying a bike locally so you can take it back for repairs and servicing easily and so you can take it for a good long test ride before buying to be sure you feel ok with the size, the fit, the ride and the way the gears and brakes work.

Brands I would be looking at are Trek (warning - NOT Trax), Giant, Carrera, Dawes, GT, Kona, Ridgeback ...

£300 is probably a good amount to spend. Much less and you're likely to get something unreliable which you won't enjoy. Much more and you might find you actually would prefer something a bit different but have spend all your money! There are some good deals around so be prepared to shop around a bit.

Think about whether you want mudguards and a rack. Also don't forget to put some money aside for a decent lock, a helmet (if you choose to wear one) and some lights.


New Member
Hate to disappoint you on weight loss, cycling may help you loose some weight to begin with, and then you build muscle, but its very efficient and you stablise very quickly, you do however get very fit which might open doors to other weight loss ways. Personally I've been cycling since last summer, and stagger medical folks who are suprised I call myself over weight, and actually don't believe me until they take my BMI.... LOL so get very toned.

Reason it doesn't help massively with weight loss, is that the bike carries your weight around and your legs push the bike so to speak... with jogging your legs are pushing your total body weight. Personally I hate to jog so I cycle and do skipping and ballet. Skipping is very high impact and you need to build up to it, about 30 seconds may kill you day one, but by day 15 you can do spells of ten minutes 4 times a day and the weight will evaporate.

Once I started cycling I really enjoyed it and you can't get me off the bike these days...

Good luck with both
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