Yep. Forget all the nonsense about needing to be able to reach the ground when sitting in the saddle. I find you can get so much more power to the pedals when you have the seat at the correct height. Too low and you can feel the muscles just above the knee getting tired and fatigued so much much easier on the legs ! just by raising the saddle a bit
Saddle height is one of the most important things to get right - you can end up saving a great deal of energy. I'd wager that you can raise it a little bit more and make it even more efficient, though you'll have to get used to stepping down when you much easier on the legs ! just by raising the saddle a bit
2 inches is a massive change............. certainly not what I would call "a bit".
so much easier on the legs ! just by raising the saddle a bit
started with about 1inch for a couple of days then yesterday another inch and maybe just half tomorrow although i think its about right now !!Indeed yes - very important.
I saw a lady last week on a very nice upscale Trek with her legs more or less at 45 degrees at full stretch.
Whay anyone persists with this feet touching the ground nonsense is a mystery.
Anyway, well done, you'll go much faster and further now.
How did you decide on 2" if I may ask?
started with about 1inch for a couple of days then yesterday another inch and maybe just half tomorrow although i think its about right now !!
I raised my saddle just a smidge a few months back and it makes a big difference I think, my knees don't hurt so much. I daren't go any higher or I would probably end up falling off when I stop As it is I have to lean sideways so my toes can reach the floor without dismounting. I've got into the habit of brake, lean, left foot off pedal as I come to a stop.
Why don't you just go forward and get off the saddle?