Westerley Summer Sizzler, Chilterns sportive, Sunday 15 Sept, free places available

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West London
A quick plug for a sportive that I am organising, starting from Chalfont St Peter.

My club (Westerley CC) ran it 11 years ago and we've decided to do it again for the club's 100th anniversary.
It is going to be a no-frills event, with a car park start / pub finish. There are no feed stations but the route passes quite a few cafes and shops. And there is timing.

3 route options - 165 / 110 / 60 km:
- The 110 is the classic route from 2013, which was a fairly tough ride. It's had to be tweaked slightly for HS2 work
- The 160 adds another hilly loop making it quite a challenge.
- The 60 is an out and back to Kop hill.

Entry is free but we need people to sign up in advance for insurance compliance, so I can send out full details and risk warnings, etc. We can have up to 200 entries and it's about half full, so there are plenty of spaces left.
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