Hi All
First things first: I am a guy not a girl and have never waxed anything or shaved anything (other than my face).
I commute to work on my bike 3 days a week. It's 18 miles each way (36 a day) and my fitness is well up to the task. Most of the time the ride is easy and enjoyable.
What is stopping me enjoying it though is getting a sore backside. I don't get what I believe is described as saddle sore but I get hard boils that take a long time to go away and are very sore to sit on.
I am a big guy and I get sores where my pin bones are, right where the most amount of weight is.
I think that this is due to hairs breaking off then becoming ingrown and getting infected.
I know that this is an amusing topic but it really does cause me a lot of discomfort and is the limiting factor as to how much cycling I do!
I am considering waxing my backside to get rid of the hairs. Will this work? Should I shave?
First things first: I am a guy not a girl and have never waxed anything or shaved anything (other than my face).
I commute to work on my bike 3 days a week. It's 18 miles each way (36 a day) and my fitness is well up to the task. Most of the time the ride is easy and enjoyable.
What is stopping me enjoying it though is getting a sore backside. I don't get what I believe is described as saddle sore but I get hard boils that take a long time to go away and are very sore to sit on.
I am a big guy and I get sores where my pin bones are, right where the most amount of weight is.
I think that this is due to hairs breaking off then becoming ingrown and getting infected.
I know that this is an amusing topic but it really does cause me a lot of discomfort and is the limiting factor as to how much cycling I do!
I am considering waxing my backside to get rid of the hairs. Will this work? Should I shave?