Wattbike Trainer - connecting it up

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Legendary Member
Ok so the OH has just treated herself to a 2nd hand Wattbike. Its the Trainer model, I think the Trainer and Pro were predecessors of the Atom.

The basic set-up etc is all done, and she has the Wattbike App set up. She also uses training peaks, but that gets a feed from Garmin (or strava), so I think what we need to crack is her Garmin connecting to Wattbike, and that will feed everything else (I think).

In simple terms what is the process for connecting up to your Garmin etc so you can get to the stats / analysis? And do you start from the Wattbike or start from the Garmin - does Garmin treat the Wattbike as a bunch of Ant+ sensors to take data from?

Simple and straightforward advice welcome.

I will also be setting myself up a profile and nipping on from time to time, although still recovering from carrying the thing up 2 flights of stairs.....


Legendary Member
I've answered my own question. And I needed a new cell battery in the head unit / Monitor.

Start with wattbike and make sure its ANT+ channels are set to on

then onto your garmin unit look for it to connect to as a power and speed / cadence sensor.

Then pretty much start your garmin as you start a Wattbike ride / course / session.

does Garmin treat the Wattbike as a bunch of Ant+ sensors to take data from?
Yes. although it also records your ride in the wattbike, so you can look at stuff via the wattbike app too as well as other apps that connect to a garmin
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