Was it bad for my health?

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Senior Member
I posted - and boasted - about my 25 miler on Sunday. Admittedly, I knew I had a virus before going out, but have felt rubbish and wiped out ever since.

I am on a course in Edinburgh all this week, so haven't been able to cycle this week yet anyway, so it will be the weekend before I can cycle again.

I take it that the virus - rather than the cycling - is what has done the damage?
Depending what the Virus is cycling probably didn't help but it was so nice on Sunday and iirc you enjoyed it IMO it was worth it ;). Who knows, cycling may have speeded up getting the virus out of your system.


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
 I've been off the bike for two weeks now due to the flu, attempted a twenty miler yesterday, but ended up doing a short ride of six miles as my energy drained quicker than a colander holding water, even when I thought I was feeling fitter, my body wasn't   :wacko:  

Have a nice long rest, you will recover to where you left off in no time   :thumbsup:


New Member
You should have rested for a while during virus trouble. Cycling is not going to interfere with your health after all. It does good things to your health.
I came down with glandular fever over Easter shortly after a couple of 25ish mile rides. Possibly a coincidence as that virus takes 4-7 weeks to incubate but I think riding hard might have triggered the onset of my illness somewhat. Unlike you I wasn't feeling ill when I did those rides but I'm pretty sure pushing yourself could weaken your immune system when it's already trying to fight a virus.

Was a right pain in the arse though, was in bed for 3 weeks and was another couple of weeks before I started riding again. Even then I had to build up slowly and was ages before I got back to the level of fitness I was before being ill. I'm a bit more wary of how I feel now when it comes to exercise so I'd suggest take it easy as long as you are still feeling rough.
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