Was every one as bad at the beginning?

Was every one as bad at the beginning?

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(:hyper: HELP!!:wacko:)
I have started cycling a few days now. I plan a 5-6 mile trip but never seem to be able to finish it. I complete about half and return home. Im reasonably fit but evan though i return home half way i become exhausted and just feel like sleeping, I have become passionate about all things bike and would like to better myself but dont have the strength to finish what i started. As the title states were you as bad? I need some kind of reassurance.
Thank you :thanks:


I am sure that most people find it hard work at the beginning. Tell us how you pedal and on what. Do you have a road bike, a mountain bike, a good bike or a cheapy. I ask because , for example, a mountain bike with big nobbly tyres will be harder work to pedal. Are you trying to cycle too fast, to coin the old expression, running before you can walk. Can I suggest that instead of 5-6 miles set out to do 3 miles and do that a few times. When you are sucessful at that then move up a notch. Success breeds success.
I am sure that most people find it hard work at the beginning. Tell us how you pedal and on what. Do you have a road bike, a mountain bike, a good bike or a cheapy. I ask because , for example, a mountain bike with big nobbly tyres will be harder work to pedal. Are you trying to cycle too fast, to coin the old expression, running before you can walk. Can I suggest that instead of 5-6 miles set out to do 3 miles and do that a few times. When you are sucessful at that then move up a notch. Success breeds success.
Compo im using a... well cheapy road bike, Im not sure how i pedal ill keep it in mind next time im out. It's just as im on the roads i feel the need to go as fast a possible so i dont hold up cars.

Nearly there

well done on starting I remember my first bike ride down to the local park n back 2 miles tops I came back panting like a fat lad:whistle: sweating so much you'd have thought someone had threw water over me,You will improve over time be patient its not a sprint(well not until you join strava:evil:)


Compo im using a... well cheapy road bike, Im not sure how i pedal ill keep it in mind next time im out. It's just as im on the roads i feel the need to go as fast a possible so i dont hold up cars.

I think you have answered your own question. Trying to keep up with the traffic flow is a losing battle. Don't worry about holding up cars. You can always ease over to allow them to pass when it suits you and is safe to do so. Can you not find a route that has less traffic, or even cycle tracks. It does seem to me that you maybe need to slow down a bit. Also check out bike fitting so you have your bike adjusted the best you can to suit your body. Google "bike fitting" for plenty of advice. In the meantime keep at it. Pedal when you can, even if you just pop down the shops. Be assured that you WILL improve so be patient.


Über Member
Nope, sorry everybody is a superb athlete with steel hard sinews and rock like muscles. If you can't manage at least 50 + miles before breakfast [uphill of course] you are just not trying. {such dreams we have !}.
HOWEVER, TBH I still find 5 - 6 miles a nice little run and I was also totally shot after 2 for at least the first couple of weeks. There are many other factors involved too, how hilly is your run ? 2 miles with hills = 10x that on the flat. How fast are you trying to go ? Remember you're not in a race and there are no medals for the winner, further you will hold up cars if you are infront of them, you are not on a m/cycle so 40 - 50 mph and 0 -60 in 4 secs is a bit optimistic however again unless you are riding down the centre of a clear road for some odd reason then cars can and will overtake with no problems. Only in certain circumstances is it best to "claim" the road.
Even a cheap road bike is at least as good as the old "gas pipe" jobs I started riding on [too many years ago] so, at least for now don't worry to much about the bike. Finally being "fit" is not quite the same as being a strong cyclist, walking, running etc all use different muscle groups.
Keep at it soon 2 WILL be 5 then 10 then - well it's up to you, but one last bit of info - you will enjoy it.


Über Member
I started off in late September last year and could manage about 2 miles to start with and that was with stopping as i was out of breathe and my legs felt like jelly ... Just did a 25mile charity cycle over the weekend without too much trouble ..so keep at it and you will improve ... don't be put off

I went out yesterday and the first 3 miles was into a strong headwind that just seemed to sap my energy and nearly gave up and turned round but kept going and finished doing 16 miles in the end ... you just need to grit your teeth sometimes and get through it


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
When I took up Cycling again 8 years ago I couldn't even manage a mile and a half without having to have a lie down for half an hour.
I Kept at it and slowly increased my mileage and stamina and now average 800miles+ per month.

So keep it up, it sure ain't easy at first but it does get easier.


Active Member
I know how this feels I have just started cycling after a few good years of inactivity, overeating, smoking and drinking. I have stopped smoking and drinking and eat much healthier. I can manage about 2 to three miles not too hilly. I started a couple of weeks back and rode about 2x3 miles and 1x4 miles in the first week missed a week due to snow and a cold and I am back at it again today. I am so ashamed of how crap I am at this that I must get better!
I thought I was the only fat middle aged soft git around:sad:


Never mind how far or fast you can cycle, the real danger no-one has mentioned about this cycling lark is the n+1 syndrome. There is no cure. Even psychiatry cannot help. The only cure is to give in to it now and then but only AFTER rehearsing until word perfect the excuses for wife/partner etc. why you simply MUST have the bike you have seen at a bargain price.

Last year I got rid of all my bikes except one. One bike, my hybrid, was all I needed. Now, less than a year later I have a mountain bike, my hybrid and have just bought a road bike. Oh yes, and my unicycle!


Senior Member
When I started out my first ride was 4 miles and it took me 3 days to recover from it, 6 months later I rode 400 miles over 5 days, I've not got any idea what I was doing wrong to start with (probably nothing) but the turning point for me was finding my rhythm and learning to manage my effort, it probably took a dozen sub 5 mile rides to get the hang of it but I seemed to be able to add miles quickly once I had!
Be patient and enjoy your time on the bike, the fitness to cycle further/faster will come!
And find some hills, and as soon as you feel able start working on them, I left it a couple of months but when I did I really started to improve in terms of fitness if not speed.
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