But where on earth do you expect people to park? In their driveways?
Yes, I've seen stuff not built or have awkward compromise reroutings because politicians bow to the objections of selfish motorists who won't park on their own driveways. Much better to kill the grass verge than dirty one's drive, only keep as many cars as you can store or clear some space in one's garage.
They get so close to getting it right on occasion but then stuff it up by putting barriers up
https://goo.gl/maps/curyzMf7qN32 - they are not quite so shiny anymore, no reflectives on them and they came as a bit of a surprise on a dark wet night.
WTAF? Those are among the most pointless barriers I've ever seen, as you can tell from the tracks worn into the grass either side. The nearby junction layout's wrong too, so I'm not sure they're even "so close to getting it right". Cycling like it's 1979
Although I've seen slightly worse: North Somerset Council erected matt black slalom barriers across a cycle track cut-through, justified as necessary to stop riders rolling downhill out of the new-build restricted-visibility(!) junctions onto bigger roads - I asked why they prefer cycles to crash out onto the roads and didn't just paint give-way markings on the cycle track arm. They did add some reflective panels but I think the black barriers are still there to crash the unwary
The more and more of this junk I see and read about, the more convinced I am that we need mandatory minimum standards for cycling infrastructure and the right for cycling organisations to erect shameful "your council has wasted money" warning signs on the substandard junk.