We have 3 bikes we wish to hang up on our wooden shed to save space and stop them leaning on each other. Best solution seems these wall hanging things that hook into front wheel.
If they are screwed into wooden joists is that strong enough? Also we'll need to stagger height to squeeze rhem in so handles bars don't clash. Trouble is that instructions say they must be at least 10cm above ground which wouldn't work. Is there a reason the back wheel can't rest on the ground as this will also make it easier for the wife to use it as lifting her bike could be an issue?
If they are screwed into wooden joists is that strong enough? Also we'll need to stagger height to squeeze rhem in so handles bars don't clash. Trouble is that instructions say they must be at least 10cm above ground which wouldn't work. Is there a reason the back wheel can't rest on the ground as this will also make it easier for the wife to use it as lifting her bike could be an issue?