Vo2 Max test

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I'm seriously considering going for this fitness test. I feel like a headless chicken using an HRM at the moment not knowing my own numbers.

My question is, how many of you have had something similar or even this test?


The test includes information on all this when you click under Cyclists:

From the test you will find your :
  1. • True heart rate training zones
  2. • Fat burning profile
  3. • Anaerobic Threshold
  4. • Pace at threshold
  5. • Calorie usage
  6. • Aerobic Base Point
  7. • Peak VO2 / VO2 Max
  8. • Resting Metabolic Rate

    Worth a shout?


Sounds expensive!

It would be interesting to do but i'm not quite sure if it would be worth the expense unless power was included in the tests and then you were to train using that rather than relying on heart rate. Which is going to add to the expensive too of course!
I feel like a headless chicken using an HRM at the moment not knowing my own numbers.

All you need to know is your approximate (ie within a few beats) max HR. Working this out yourself is straightforward. Once you know that, your training zones will become apparent. The rest, while it might be interesting to know, is not really necessary IMO.
Monsieur Remings
Yatton UK
Thanks people, a good counterbalance to my current thoughts on the subject.

Black n Yellow, a pint is yours sir for your continued helpful input. Perhaps next year at a S. Wales crit.

Any other takers?

Trail Child

Well-Known Member
Ottawa, Canada
Here in Ottawa, universities sometimes advertise for test subjects to study fitness, training programmes, etc and will do VO2 testing for free. The only caveat is you usually have to be free of any previous medical problems. It's an idea worth looking into.


Yep I got my VO2 max, lactate and power profile free as part of a research study. Worth doing, but as others have said not really necessary. If you're going to train using HR zones, then it's easy enough to work out on your own, and if you're going to use power meter, which is better but more expensive, then also you can work it out on your own.

It boils down to whether you want to to know your body's potential, or are just happy to train appropriately and see what gains materialise.
Monsieur Remings
Yatton UK
Yep, have to agree with all of you. The most I've had out of my ticker thus far is 183 bpm. This was on the turbo with a 10 minute warm-up and then I did 5 miles at 140 bpm and above, rising to what I believe was my highest HR recorded. In the last mile I went full pelt for around 20 seconds twice and this was the best I could come up with. I've been using the HRM monitor on outdoor rides too and kept a close eye and haven't been beyond this. I know I couldn't maintain the 183 for much more than a few seconds at a time but will have another go on Cheddar Gorge this coming Sunday, all other things being equal.

Yes Vamp, a powermeter would be great but it's probably not going to happen for a while! And I think you're spot on with basically waiting to see what gains materialise. Having worked out two routes for the coming winter/spring 2013 (45 mile hilly and a 60 mile flat) with some existing statistics to improve upon, this is probably going to be where the difference can and will show. Thanks fella.

Trail Child, will remember that in future regarding universities. Thanks for the input.
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