Verent Millook

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New Member
Hi All, hope someone can help me out of my dilemma. I want to buy my hubby a Verenti Millook for his 40th birthday which is coming up soon. He has had his eye on this bike for some time now and decided its the one for him. The bike was originally listed at £1200, and has gradually gone down in price. I almost purchased it a month or so ago when it was £900 but it has now gone down to £720!!!!! wow.... Presumably the have discontinued this model and are replacing it with a newer version...So do i????
1. Buy it now for £720

2. Wait and see if it goes down in price even more and possibly risk losing out on a bargain

3. Wait for the newer model to come out ( but im not sure if im going to be able to afford it depending on its price)....

Any helpful comments would be very gratefully recieved....:hugs: :girl:

End of season sale, so it's unlikely to come down any more. If there is a replacement due it will probably just be a different colour with maybe a minor upgrade for the full price.


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Grrr, bought one myself a couple of months back for £900, which was a bargain in my view! £720 sounds even more like an amazing deal...

Get it now, before they sell out!
If they have his size now, grab it. As the sale stock is sold it will not be replaced, and as Verenti are unique to Wiggle you can't exactly shop around to try and find one elsewhere.

Plus, as SJ says, the new one will very unlikely be worth the extra £'s over the £720 of the current one. I'd be very surprised if the new came out at even £1200, everything usually goes up and gets blames on the cost of raw materials.


Active Member
Go for it. I bought the Millook back in January for £900 - well worth it even at that price. Cracking bike.

Sadly, I had to buy my own. Your husband is a lucky man!


Legendary Member
If you want to save a few more pounds, go through quidco for cashback - 3%; use code EXTRA10-100 before 2pm on Tuesday 18th to save another tenner :thumbsup:

Brings it to under £700

Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
Seriously considered one myself, earlier this year: great bike.

As has already been said: buy it now, before they're sold out!


Bike Fluffer
I've got one and I'd get one again at that price! It's a great value bike for just over £700, the groupset alone is £400ish (it's not a full Rival set) on it's own. BUY-BUY-BUY!


New Member
Well thankyou so much for your replies, went for it, got a £14 off voucher code and an extra 3% off at Quidco(thanks for that tip Vickster)!!! Im quite excited and its not even my bike!!!:wahhey:


Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
Well done thats a great bike at a great price. At this time of year the old models bargains tend to sell out quickly or become only available in tiny or huge fram e sizes. One lucky hubby in more ways than one I think.


New Member
I think i did get a bargain, just gone back on to wiggle and they have gone up to £960 now!!!! Whats going on!!:unsure:


Bike Fluffer
LOL - well done on pushing the buy button when you did! I've found Wiggle do that - maybe they sell a certain number at the lower price to get people interested then put it back up?


Next years model may even be a slight downgrade as the manufacturer tries to maintain the profit margin without increasing the price too much. Whatever, looks like you got a bargain there!
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