Using Endomondo AND Strava?

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Internet Marketing bod
I've been using Endomondo for some time now and really love the way it records and displays stats, but the Strava segments do seem tempting. I don't want to lose the ability to log my riding life in Endomondo but I do fancy seeing if I can get onto the leader boards on some of the local Strava segments.

I can't find any mention of exporting data on the Strava Android App, am I missing something? Or can I just run both apps at once? :shy:


Internet Marketing bod
Arg, damn my crappy HTC Desire!


My Armchair
Not tried Endomondo, but can you save their files onto a computer?
If so they could then be uploaded to Strava that way.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I use both. You can export files either way as GPX files. To be honest I tend to run both programmes at the same time on my HTC Desire as saves the myther. If I am going on a really long ride I switch of wifi and use an app called Juice Defender. I had over half my battery left doing this after 65 miles on Monday.
I've not got a smarty phone and my GPS eats batteries like a kid in a sweet shop so have stopped using it.

My solution is to draw the routes manually in Endomondo then export them as .gpx files to Strava, which kindly fills in the elevation data for me. Result :wahhey:


Internet Marketing bod
I use both. You can export files either way as GPX files. To be honest I tend to run both programmes at the same time on my HTC Desire as saves the myther. If I am going on a really long ride I switch of wifi and use an app called Juice Defender. I had over half my battery left doing this after 65 miles on Monday.

This is exactly what I wanted to hear!

I just tracked my lunchtime ride, I'll post stats to compare in a moment.

Do you have to pay for a pro account on Strava to create segments?


Oaf on a Bike
I sometimes run SportyPal, Endomondo and Strava all at once, once the gps is active accessing it more doesnt seem to use any extra power. Most of the time i log in sportypal because ive got 2.5 years of 700 runs/rides on there, export gpx and import it to endomondo and strava.

Im too slow to really compete on strava hills and not willing to go downhill fast enough either, so I dont bother with it all that much.

Nearly there

I tried running strava and endomondo together on my HTC desire and the endomondo stopped after 12 miles but I didnt realise until Id finished my ride as I tend to just put my phone In a back pocket and check data when ive finished.
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