Unfortunately your question reminds me of the joke about asking direction, where the answer is "If I were you I wouldn't start from here..."!
The trouble of using a road triple front mech, is that there is a chance it will have trouble shifting onto the outer ring because they are designed for narrower, road chainline compared to that of a mtb chainset which you have. What is the existing chainline (distance between centre of seat tube to centre of middle ring)?
If your chainset is old enough to have a square tapered bb, then one can potentially cheat by using a non-standard (for the chainset) bb with shorter spindle to deal with that, provided that there is enough clearance between chainset and frame.
Alternative solution is to choose shifter carefully (e.g. Campag front pulls about the same amount of cable as Shimano mtb, or use bar-end shifters). Mixing Campag and Shimano rear drive components will open up new issues that require careful planning, however.
This and
this might help you decide.