Unwanted birthday present!

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Whilst I don't wish to appear ungrateful, I just don't know why people buy you a present when they know you have no interest in that item! A good friend of mine has just bought me the Highwaymen collection. He actually loves this CD and plays it quite a lot when we go over for dinner etc. I have always said its OK but not really my taste. I don't mind Mr Cash on his own. Anyhow, a get the bloody Highwaymen collection for my birthday present. Not contented with that, he then asks me to stick it on in my own home. ****ing hell, what do I do with it. I really want to bin it, but can't as he will look for it in my CD collection. Any suggestions!


New Member
Keep it in the collection but don't play it. When friend comes round have something else playing. Simple.


Senior Member
Birmingham, UK
Hehe! Some years ago the perennial question of what to do with unwanted gifts came up in The Guardian. My mother wrote in explaining that she kept unwanted gifts hidden in a cupboard and got them out whenever the giver visited. Unfortunately the paper ignored her request for anonymity and published her full name and address for her family and friends to see. ;);)


Melksham, Wilts
Set fire to it in your garden. Then dance around it naked.


Pick a quiet evening, sit down, forget previous experiences and opinions, and give it a listen. You don't need to tell anyone but see if you can see why your friend likes it so much.

He's chosen to give you something he really likes, I think this is a reflection on how he views your friendship. You don't have to like the CD, even after your own listening, but do try not to offend him. ;)


Senior Member
barq said:
Hehe! Some years ago the perennial question of what to do with unwanted gifts came up in The Guardian. My mother wrote in explaining that she kept unwanted gifts hidden in a cupboard and got them out whenever the giver visited. Unfortunately the paper ignored her request for anonymity and published her full name and address for her family and friends to see. ;);)



Not to be rude mate, but just get over it. He believed he was being thoughtful and is pleased with what he got you, so why do anything to hurt his feelings.

Failing that use it a a bird scarer on your runner bean patch ;)


Music like anything else is a very personal and subjective taste thing. You cannot force another person to like something you do whether they are a friend or not. A friend wouldn't do this anyway.

I expect your friend is keen to bond with you and share common appreciations.He is trying to find things you have in common .

I would say the best way forward is to be honest with your friend in the first place. By telling him that the music was ok gave him the wrong message.You can hardly blame him for misunderstanding. By trying not to hurt his feelings you are going to end up doing just that only more so. He'll end up confused and hurt

show your friend that there will always be certain things that you will not like in common . Without making a big thing of it try playing something he has said he does not like . When it becomes a topic of conversation it will give you the chance to talk honestly about it.

Just tell him straight you wanted to avoid hurting his feelings and it backfired . Have a larf about it . The longer you avoid dealing with the confusion ,that you instigated ,the worse its going to become.

Mr Pig

New Member
I'm not very diplomatic. If someone gives me a present I don't like I just won't use it. We've been given ornaments etc that stayed in their boxes until it was time to eBay them. I'm not cluttering up 'my' house with pointless junk just because someone else is stupid enough to think that Dalton figurines are nice. I can't be bothered with people who simply buy other people what they like themselves with no consideration given to the other person's taste.


Legendary Member
Why, just because it was my 50th, did several idiots who couldn't hold a candle to me physically (not bigging myself up, more doing them down!) think it was funny to club together and buy me a walking stick?
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