Universal Spoke Wrench

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Okay, have just ordered a truing stand and so I need a wench, oops.

I know this comes across as impeccably lazy but I've got two diameters, roughly 4mm and 7mm (on my Ksyrium Elites). Any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
I’ve got one of those circle ones with about 5 options they are fiddly to be honest I like the ones shaped like a round V they seem to be less fiddly OH and I bought a park tool SW-15 because the Ksyrium's have hollow rims However you can do it without the tool but its dodgy (two flat pieces clamped with pliers to hold the blade while you turn the nut pretty spooky when you’re playing with a set of £350 wheels especially when you see the blade flexing


Well-Known Member
Okay, thanks Edge. The SW-15 for the Ksyriums then...

Yep like this

park tool.JPG
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