My daughter in Oxford locked her bike to a stand using one of these locks. However, she can't manage to unlock it! The key is inserting fully into the lock and she can turn it three quarters of the way round, but no further (it needs to turn a full 360 degrees). She has squirted GT85 into the lock, but so far this hasn't had any effect. I have the spare key up here in Shropshire, which I am going to post to her. The lock is about 18 months old and this is the first time she has had a problem with it.
If the spare key doesn't work can anyone suggest what might be the problem?
If all else fails I am going down to Oxford in a couple of weeks. I have a portable generator and an angle grinder.
If the spare key doesn't work can anyone suggest what might be the problem?
If all else fails I am going down to Oxford in a couple of weeks. I have a portable generator and an angle grinder.