Tyre Rotation..

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Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
My rear tyre is wearing faster than the front so do you rotate your tyres so they wear out together or just replace each tyre as and when..

What do you do.. :smile:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
As long as it's not too worn then yes swap them over.


BB wrecker
Absolutely not. Sheldon says its dangerous. Say your back has the bigger wear due to extra weight etc then you put that on the front. This worn tyre then gets the majority of the braking. I'd agree with him and buy new when and as required.


BB wrecker
by Sheldon "Put The Good One In Front" Brown

It is common for a front tire to outlast a rear tire by as much as three to one. Rear tires have more weight on them, and also have to deal with drive forces.
This disparity in tread life is exacerbated in the case cyclists who rely on their rear brake (you shouldn't! See my article on Braking and Turning.)
Well-meaning cyclists, even some mechanics who don't know any better, sometimes try to deal with this by swapping tires, putting the less worn front tire on the back wheel, and moving the worn-but-usable rear tire to the front. The idea is to equalize the wear on the two tires, but this is a serious mistake, don't do it!
The only time tire rotation is appropriate on a bicycle is when you are replacing the rear tire. If you feel like taking the trouble, and use the same type of tire front and rear, you should move the front tire to the rear wheel, and install the new tire in front.
The reason for this is that the front tire is much more critical for safety than the rear, so you should have the more reliable tire on the front.
If you have a blowout, if it is on the rear tire, you have a very good chance of bringing the bike to a controlled stop. If your front tire blows, you can lose steering control, and a crash is a real possibility.


Active Member
Cleator, Cumbria
I wouldn't say It's dangerous, just less safe?!?!........the front tyre being the mission critical tyre. The idea that you want the BEST tyre on the front.

I have the best one on the front, but then trundle round on schwalbe blizzards which may not be as safe as others cos they ain't as grippy.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I like my tyres to rotate at the same speed.:whistle:

Though I do tend to put the new tyre on the front. When the rear tyre dies, it's change over time again.


Why does everybody take this one mans word as gospel? He seems to have written some interesting things (if dated) but it doesn't mean everything he has written is right.


BB wrecker
I wouldn't say It's dangerous, just less safe?!?!........the front tyre being the mission critical tyre. The idea that you want the BEST tyre on the front.

I have the best one on the front, but then trundle round on schwalbe blizzards which may not be as safe as others cos they ain't as grippy.
Pretty much the same as ianrauk said, in that if its not too worn then swop over. Bit of common sense really.


It's dated because he is dead...
Not saying he was right about everything but he certainly knew his stuff.
I knew he is dead, I have read most of his stuff. I agreed with some and disagreed with others. I just feel people blindly follow his thoughts.


Just about surviving
I'd say get new tyre, put that on front and rotate old (front) tyre to back wheel duties. That is if it there's life left in it.
You need more grip and to be able to trust the front more. The 3 to 1 ratio of front to back could be a good guide.
As for Sheldon. There's a lot of sense on his site. Take what you want from it. I do. And from another dozen or so sites. He's a good starting point.
Boon 51

Boon 51

Deal. Kent.
Interesting comments here..

The tyres on my mtb at the moment are.. Bontrager 26-2.20 XR1's with 40% wear on the front and 60% wear on the rear and I was thinking only on the making the tyres last hence the rotaion.
The tyres I have to go on as a replacement are some Conti X Black Chili 26- 2.20's so the same size just a different make..

I must say I never thought of replacing the front and using that on the rear as and when.. so keeping a good tyre on the front?
So would mixing the tyres be Ok then?
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