Since the car failed its mot and having to scrap it ive now done my first two months cycling. Being a regular gym user my fitness wasnt bad but ive found day to day cycling really does add to the fitness as you have to work harder on the inclines, my pet hates with cycling was going to be wind and rain, well ive found the wind to be a bit of a pain but not as bad as first feared, likewise ive not been unduly bothered with the rain either albeit with winter looming thats going to get worse. The more ive cycled ive found the more ive come to enjoy it, wheras i would once take the bus on certain journeys i now think nothing of cycling it, this has led to an increase in fitness and over the last week ive noticed my journey times starting to come down, only by 3/5 minutes but its an improvement however slight. I doubted that i would take to cycling but am now determined to keep increasing my distances and have been suprised at how enjoyable cycling is. Thats not to mention the money ive saved, the bikes paid for itself already, its only a cheapo but im already looking at investing in a better quality cycle as and when this one starts to fail even though theres no sign of that yet. I would certainly recommend cycling now.