Two deaths within a week, both just a couple of miles from our house.

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self serving virtue signaller
For the first a woman has admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving (before the later death of the victim). Unlicenced and uninsured, failed to stop. I have reliable information that she hit the cyclist from behind, had an 8yo in the car with her, and drove on with a broken windscreen.

The victim was a 62yo woman. RIP.

The second victim was hit by a horsebox, again from behind. I know nothing more than the press report which predates the later death of the victim, a man in his 60s.



Tights of Cydonia
South Glos


Legendary Member
I predict some lame excuse, sun in the eyes (but still carried on driving blind), didn't see them (wasn't paying attention) and at best they'll get a derisory punishment and at worst not guilty. Or itll somehow be the victims fault. That's if it gets as far as a courtroom.


but not uncommon in my experience, horseboxes have one of the worst ratios of close passes – possibly due to the drivers not normally driving with trailers.

I would say any trailer on a Sunday morning in my experience.


I live in rural clackmannanshire so tend to see horseboxes all the time. Twice I've had really close passes from the bloody things. First time knocked me off and disappeared around a bend before I could get his number. Second wasn't quite so bad as I had a grass verge to escape to. The trouble is the boxes are wider than the car. Then they close pass you leaving no space between you and the car, so when it comes to the box, you've no chance. Of course those glass things on the doors are just there for decoration, they never actually look at them.
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