I bought a bicycle bag off ebay. There were no sizes and I thought it would fit on the twenty.
It will fit on a rack, but I have to drill holes in the bottom to bolt it down. My wife says it will ruin the bag. She likes hte bag but will never use it for herself.
I have measured where the mount holes go onto masking tape, but I am fighting myself to whether drill holes or not.
It will not fit inthe plastic tray on the rack. The bag has two hanger brackets on one side ownly. I am unsure if it is supposed to be a handle bar bag. I have been lookinh on ebay and found a cheap rack / pannier bag that looks nice and has straps to fir the bag onto a rack.
I have bought and waiting for a small bag to put some tools in and fit it under the saddle, but wont be able to access it if hte blue bag goes on the bike.
It will fit on a rack, but I have to drill holes in the bottom to bolt it down. My wife says it will ruin the bag. She likes hte bag but will never use it for herself.
I have measured where the mount holes go onto masking tape, but I am fighting myself to whether drill holes or not.
It will not fit inthe plastic tray on the rack. The bag has two hanger brackets on one side ownly. I am unsure if it is supposed to be a handle bar bag. I have been lookinh on ebay and found a cheap rack / pannier bag that looks nice and has straps to fir the bag onto a rack.
I have bought and waiting for a small bag to put some tools in and fit it under the saddle, but wont be able to access it if hte blue bag goes on the bike.