TV inputs question.

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Got an old Trinitron CRT telly. Connected is a Freeviwe box via 1 scart and DVD via another scart. That's the connections maxed-out apart from the arial socket. Seem to have probs tuning stuff here.

Kids want a Wii thing for Christmas. Assume these connect via a scart as well.

Can I connect the DVD through the Freeview (it has an extra scart for a video)?
Can I get a scart 'Hub' like a USB hub.

What are the options (a new telly isn't one of them).



Puzzle game procrastinator!

Mr Pig

New Member
You should be able plug the DVD through the Freeview box and TV will switch to the DVD automatically when you switch it on.

NB. The two scart sockets on the Trinitron are not the same, the auto-switching might only work on one of them I think. I'm not sure, it's been a while since I looked at it, but if the DVD/Freeview doesn't auto-switch swap it to the other scart.


Über Member
Has your TV got composite sockets behind a front flap?(I seem to remember that the older Sony's had that). Composite being Red, White and Yellow.
If so the Wii cable supplied will plug straight into those.

If not it will be a switchable scart splitter. DON'T buy a cheap 'shared' socket jobbie... they are rubbish and bleed through all inputs.

Mr Pig

New Member
I don't know about you but I wouldn't want the Wii cables hanging out the front of the TV. The Wii comes with a scart adapter so that you can plug its composite leads into a scart socket.
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