Turbo Workout Help

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I have a simple turbo that I try and use at this time of year to supplant the cycling I can do. However, it bores me immensely as im not moving so I struggle to motivate myself to do it.

Therefore, I'm looking for some good 15-30 mins workout plans/apps to structure my time better.


Über Member
If you can stick a laptop, tablet, PC, etc, in front of you there are a lot of videos you can use. YouTube has some indoor training / spinning class ones (varying in quality but try the GCN channel ). There are also companies like Spinervals, but they can cost.


Legendary Member
I have a simple turbo that I try and use at this time of year to supplant the cycling I can do. However, it bores me immensely as im not moving so I struggle to motivate myself to do it.

Therefore, I'm looking for some good 15-30 mins workout plans/apps to structure my time better.
Might be showing my age.On the turbo I pedal along to a Stats Quo disc.Keep the revs in time with the beat of the music.

I call this the rhythm method. I have requested for my 75 birthday a Val Doonican disc this should be more in keeping with my75 year.


Might be showing my age.On the turbo I pedal along to a Stats Quo disc.Keep the revs in time with the beat of the music.

I call this the rhythm method. I have requested for my 75 birthday a Val Doonican disc this should be more in keeping with my75 year.

A live 4500 times would have a few nice tempo changes, might try that!

Will try those youtube vids too but concerned that there'll be a lack of guitar on the soundtracks....


If you could get hold of one of Peter Reads books they have some good turbo sessions in, bit old style but they worked for a lot of people.
Don't know if it'll be Trainer Road compatible but I got a demo of that a few weeks ago and it seems to help pass time; Sufferest will be compatible perhaps you can look at that.


I've just started using trainer road and I quite like it, keeps me motivated and the time goes by quicker, I also have Spotify playing at the same time. Ove r previous winters I have used the GCN channel on youtube to beat the boredom


Just looked back at the OP, not even sure that I am properly warmed up after only 15 to 20 minutes.

I just don't like the feeling of not going anywhere so 20-30 mins is all I can generally make myself do. Some of the virtual trainers do sound like they'd correct that.


No need for virtual if you have a bit of will power and want something enough. I am not sure what you are hoping to obtain in such a short time.

I suppose you could warm up for 10 minutes then go for some tabata intervals.


^willpower and Quo got me to 47 mins today. The aim is just to keep me going over the winter when commuting is difficult for me.....maybe start me losing a bit of weight.
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