The comments made above are correct. If I might add some additional suggestions. The height of the back wheel is about 2 inches raised with the turbo, you can purchase a fancy front wheel raising thing that balances the bike, or put a telephone directory under it. You will sweat, and I suggest that you consider getting a special turbo towel (think it is called a bike thong!) that stretches from the seatpost to the bars and will catch much of the sweat. I got one that had some pockets at the bar end which is useful for holding ipod, TV changer etc. Depending on the quality of the turbo you get, the newer more expensive ones are certainly quieter than the older ones, it will make some noise. My flat in Edinburgh had wooden floors and I noted that I was making a dreadful droning turbo noise over the neighbours bedroom. I dug out an old sleepmat and put this under the bike. It helped and reduced some of the resonance, it also caught the sweat that the bike thong thing did not.
Finally, it can be (is) boring, you will need something to keep your mind working away. I have found that following a programme with frequent changes in tempo and effort aided the boredom factor. I have a few turbo exercises - a video one, and some written ones do help with providing some structure to what could be 45-60 mins droning away watching Eastenders.
Good luck.