Turbo trainer advice

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Über Member
Not been able to get on the bike since last Sunday and there is no prospect of riding on the Merthyr roads for a few days.

I've managed to get hold of a turbo trainer and plan to set it up in the shed (brick shed with electricity) using my mountain bike rather than my new road bike.

Do I just get on and ride and set a resistance that will get my heart pumping or is there a better way?

How long a session should I aim for. I usually ride around 25 miles.

I plan to put on some loud music to try to reduce the boredom.

I would welcome any advice you can give me.
I listen to the mp3 player and go for random sprints/ climbs (min/max resistance) for me structured stuff is too boring but I quite like the look of the sufferfest videos to relieve te boredom further, I'll have to look in to downloading one.


Well-Known Member
Not certain if all TT's work on the same build principal but on mine, a Tacx Satori, you just can't switch between road and mountain bke. It came with 4 brackets. 2 for road bike wheel size fit and 2 for mountain bike wheel size fit. Putting a mountain bike on would mean a bit of dismantling work.

I don't "train" when I'm on my bike, I'm just on a day's out ride. It's the same when I'm using my TT. I can't get into the real structured stuff: The 5 mins this, 1 min sprint, the 3 min medium pace etc. repeat kind of thing. However I do like using the Pyrenees Stage DVD that came with the TT.
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