OK, I'm not usually this thick and am reasonably mechanically capable but I think I made almost every mistake possible fixing this puncture (and really lived up to my username)
First of all the replacement tube (despite it saying 27.5) looked to be a larger circumference than the one on the bike so I decided not to use it.
I removed the punctured tube, found a tack embedded in the tyre, removed it. Patched the tube (wasn't 100% happy with the patch but went ahead anyway). Reinflated tyre, no good, wasn't holding air.
Removed the tube again and replaced the patch I had done, patch looks good this time. Put it back in the wheel, reinflated - still not holding air!
Took off tube again, found 2nd puncture hole.
Examined the tyre and there was a second tack lodged in a different point, removed it and checked tyre for any more (pity I didn't do this the first time).
Patched the tube and then found 2 more punctures that had been caused by me putting the tube back in the tyre twice earlier!
So now my tube looks like a 2nd hand dartboard and has 4 patches on it. Good news is it's holding air now and I'm an expert at removing tyres and tubes!
Off now for a cycle