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New Member
Dear all

I am looking to hire an adult triplet tandem for a charity bike ride that me and my two friends are doing this summer from London to Brussels. This sponsored ride will take place over 3 days (13 - 15 July) and we are hoping to raise as much as we can do for The Rainbow Trust.

Please could you let me know if you own (or know somebody that has) an adult triplet and would be willing to hire it for this charitable cause. Our charity ride will involve 15-20 riders, with a large support van and two other supporting cars. The three people who would like to ride on a triplet (including myself)are all experienced cyclists and have taken part in previous long-distance charity rides on two-person tandems.

We of course would pay any required amount for the hire, including collection and delivery of the bike.

If you are able to help us out with this request (or know somebody else that could help), please give me a ring on 07742920602, reply to this message, or e-mail me at

Any help would be grately appreciated.

Kind regards

Russell Williamson


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