Looking to get a new bike. Last one I had was a Trek mountain bike back in college (300 I think). Friend got a Trek hardtail 3700 two weeks ago and now I'm looking for something similar. Since I'm in Orlando, FL (and haven't been on a bike in ages), I'm not looking to do a century run or Mt. Rainer or anything just yet. Just initially some local paved / dirt paths and whatever fun stuff I can find. Maybe one day I'll do a century run that I've been reading about, maybe not
So the main questions I have are concerning the 3900 vs. 4300, as well as disc vs non-disc. Please keep in mind I know nothing about the quality of the various components. Yes, I'm aware that testing the bikes is the only true way to pick a bike, but at the same time if they feel the same to me when I go over to test them in a couple of days, then I'm back to looking at the quality / bang for the buck.
1.It seems like the component differences in the two models are pretty close to each other, and that since it's been a while, I probably wouldn't notice the difference. Having said that, can you think of a reason that I should get the 4300 over the 3900?
2. Also read the bit about disc brakes on a bike at the low pricepoint of the 3900 and 4300 ($500-ish). Since I have no idea if those 2 models suck when compared to higher models, would the disc brake versions of the 3900 and 4300 even be worth it? Someone suggested the 4300's disc brakes aren't worth it and that it's better to upgrade the pads on the v brake model (plain 4300) instead.
Mainly looked at the Police model because well, it was right above the 3900 in the store Nice look to it. Store also had it much cheaper than the MSRP (which all the other bikes mentioned seem to be priced at). When I mentioned the Police bike, someone suggested the 6000 as being better. Comments?
Don't mind spending money on quality as long as I know that's what I'm paying for, and not some markup crap. No idea which part's better than what. Just keep in mind there's not exactly any mountains down in FL, just some bumps in the landscape!
Thanks in advance for any advice you can throw my way!
So the main questions I have are concerning the 3900 vs. 4300, as well as disc vs non-disc. Please keep in mind I know nothing about the quality of the various components. Yes, I'm aware that testing the bikes is the only true way to pick a bike, but at the same time if they feel the same to me when I go over to test them in a couple of days, then I'm back to looking at the quality / bang for the buck.
1.It seems like the component differences in the two models are pretty close to each other, and that since it's been a while, I probably wouldn't notice the difference. Having said that, can you think of a reason that I should get the 4300 over the 3900?
2. Also read the bit about disc brakes on a bike at the low pricepoint of the 3900 and 4300 ($500-ish). Since I have no idea if those 2 models suck when compared to higher models, would the disc brake versions of the 3900 and 4300 even be worth it? Someone suggested the 4300's disc brakes aren't worth it and that it's better to upgrade the pads on the v brake model (plain 4300) instead.
Mainly looked at the Police model because well, it was right above the 3900 in the store Nice look to it. Store also had it much cheaper than the MSRP (which all the other bikes mentioned seem to be priced at). When I mentioned the Police bike, someone suggested the 6000 as being better. Comments?
Don't mind spending money on quality as long as I know that's what I'm paying for, and not some markup crap. No idea which part's better than what. Just keep in mind there's not exactly any mountains down in FL, just some bumps in the landscape!
Thanks in advance for any advice you can throw my way!