I've hummed and hawed over this, I have a triple and got to the lowest gear frequently when first riding, It's a 52/42/30 with a 9 speed 12-26 cassette. Using the Sheldon gear calculator, and selecting gear inches as a result, this gives:-
30 ring - 30.3 to 65.7 inches
42 ring - 42.5 to 92 inches
52 ring - 52.6 to 113.9 inches
I've only once used the large ring and that was gear 7 so 97.6 inches. Majority is middle ring and from 65 to 85 inches, beyond that I find that downhills I can often go faster just by tucking down, rather than trying to pedal. The small ring, though rarely used now, is a nice security factor. I'd rather lose the 52 ring than the 30, I can get all the speed I need from a 42x12 combo, this gives 33mph at 120rpm, 27.4mph at 100rpm and 24.6mph at 90rpm. The 52 ring gives only 3 gears higher and I've only used one of them once in 2500 miles.
I originally wanted to get a bike that did everything but have accepted that more than one bike is a better solution. But when I've looked at compact and double setups all my calcs indicate I'd end up with a lot more front shifting than with a triple. Most advice I've received is to go triple, ride the majority in the middle and treat inner and outer as extras to be used as needed. Chainsets where you can replace the rings seperately make sense, ie you'd wear the middle ring before the others.