Yesterday towards the end of my ride, I realised I had a slow flat on my tyre (on a busy road I hit a couple of big drainholes), when I thought I was 2 miles from home.
Checking I realised I didn't have my puncture repair kit under the saddle (swapping tyres on my otherbike last week), and so I kept on going. Not completely flat, but not ideal. I get it now - it was stupid. I'd appreciate if you didn't agree with me too much.
Repairing the puncture, and with the tyre back upto 110psi, I now have some cuts in the tyre. About three. The most worrying is bulging slightly, and I can see the tyre lining. I certainly couldn't ride on this.
I'm just about to order another tyre (after only 500 miles on the bike). but wonder, can I do anything to repair the tyre, or is it like a car tyre, and splits can't be mended safely?
Checking I realised I didn't have my puncture repair kit under the saddle (swapping tyres on my otherbike last week), and so I kept on going. Not completely flat, but not ideal. I get it now - it was stupid. I'd appreciate if you didn't agree with me too much.
Repairing the puncture, and with the tyre back upto 110psi, I now have some cuts in the tyre. About three. The most worrying is bulging slightly, and I can see the tyre lining. I certainly couldn't ride on this.
I'm just about to order another tyre (after only 500 miles on the bike). but wonder, can I do anything to repair the tyre, or is it like a car tyre, and splits can't be mended safely?