Training nutrition

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Leafy Cheshire
Hi folks

I had an ace article in a cycling or fitness magazine (I can't remember which) about eating for a perfect day's training. Can't find it for the life of me though! Anybody remember a recent-ish article like this in one of the mags or point me in its direction? Also while we're at it, are there any websites people would recommend for cycling nutrition/weight loss?




Legendary Member
Cycling Active has this stuff all the time. Also, they have a spin off called Cycling Fitness, can probably find something via Google :smile:

What are you looking to achieve through the training, will affect the advice received. Weight loss, eat less, cycle more is the way to go. Training for serious racing in hilly terrain would be rather different and may require coaching?
I dont know of any web sites on cycling nutrition but I bought a brilliant book on it: Optimal Muscle Performance and Recovery by Edmund R. Burke.
It explains about nutrition and about what happens to the muscles during a cycling session in great detail (nearly 300 pages)


Senior Member
All the glossy magazines are in the pockets of the products manufacturers.

Steak and kidney pie, hold the chips.
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