there were three women killed in a short space of time, but only two were at traffic lights.
One was killed going straight on into the bus lane on Pentonville Road - a lorry turned left and ran her over.
One was killed by a left turning lorry at the junction of Streatham High Road and Christchurch Road. I think it was a supermarket lorry.
I stand to be corrected on this, was killed (IIRC) in Russell Square. A long lorry turning left had gone into the right hand lane to clear the kerb.
This raised a big fuss, and not without reason - but, sadly, Boris Johnson decided that all would be well if we were allowed to turn left against a red light - which would not have made any difference in any of the cases - the cyclists were going straight on.
I think that there's a serious point to be made here - you take a chance when you go to the left of a lorry at lights, and, whether or not I'm simply seeing what I expect to see, my impression is that women do this more often than men.