Trading up! Oh dear.... the choices??

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So the story so far is simple.

Nearly 12m ago I walked into LBS (Neighbours and friends) and said, give me a road bike to do this charity ride in 3m. I will then give it straight back to you afterwards as dont want to cycle.

10m later, still riding it and want a better bike! May trade in or simply keep the Spesh Allez Sport as a 'spare' (N+1)

So coming from what I think is a comfortable (for me) large Spesh Allez Sport, what do I go to?

Simply get the best similar Spesh (comfy and I seem to fit it etc) maybe in Carbon?

or LBS has suggested I try a Canondale Super 6 (105) but they dont have in my size - but still suggest I try one out....

Budget is up to or around £1,000 - 1,400 max. As all these things, budget is flexible and I want a TdF winning bike that goes up hills on its own for £100. I spend my life compromising obviously!

DOnt want to get a 'bargain' at £900 and then in 6/12m time upgrade again costsing me more in the change process etc.

Any ideas or pointers to magazine reviews etc that cover this topic?

There was a great looking article a few months ago in one of the big magazines that compared 3 different bikes at or around that range (for big fat blokes). Think it was three large and heavy rugby players.... I am 6'4" and 17st/108Kg Cant now find the article anywhere......

Thanks as always for any pointers and suggestions :smile:


Well-Known Member
Cycling Plus - october2011 - issue 254

Bikes featured:
Rose Carbon X-Lite 4000 £3279
cervelo RS £3000
Lynskey R440 £2999(frame) £4655 (complete bike)

Although, at the top-end you got a guide on makes & weight limits:
Road Bikes:
Cannondale 125kg
Scott 110kg
Specialized 113kg
Trek 125kg
Giant & Cervelo no weight limit
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