Track Racing - CC members

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I looked and couldn't find a thread for those CC members who race track. So here one is ...

Currently I'm going through accreditation at Manchester, but choosing to take my time. So tonight I took the chance to race at Scunthorpe's Quibell Park.

This week saw the return of track racing to Scunthorpe and the debut of a novice rider, just a 49 year-old one. I joined group B with the other 3rd and 4th category riders - Elite/1st/2nd's go into group A.

It turned out there were two novices making their debut this evening: one lady and one male rider. Deliberately starting at the back of the group my first race was an E/1/2/3/4 10 lap scratch race and a baptism of fire in terms of the pace; I finished about 18th out of 25. Then followed 9th (scratch)/ 8th(devil)/ 8th (points) places in the 15-rider group B as I started to get a bit more comfortable in the mix, with points on the board then 11th in the E/1/2/3/4/U16 15 lap scratch race at the end. The aims of not crashing and not last were achieved. There were a couple of close calls when one rider moved wildly without looking, but otherwise I felt more confident as the evening went on.

The only downside? I got lapped by my 14yo in the final race as he went round with the 1st and 2nd cat riders :huh:

Have we any other track-riding CC'ers?
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Track was something I always wanted to do. I did ride our club track championships back in 1967/8 at the now defunct Bootle track and really enjoyed it. Rode nearly every event but didn't win anything. Not surprising really as I was a bit tired, having ridden a 25 in the morning!
Always thought I would have a more serious go at it, but down in Kent, the nearest track was Herne Hill and the logistics of getting there without a car in those days was a bit too much.
An old thread i know but saves another new one i guess😉

I did a taster session this evening, 90mins with instruction at my local Velodrome, quite lucky as it’s the UCI headquarters in Aigle so it’s a very nice track.

I have to say to anyone thinking about giving it a try and have been putting it off like me, just go and try it. Wow it was fun and wow do the legs hurt now😂 How easy is it to forget that once you get on the “stayers line” at +45kmh that you can’t just switch the power off😂 my oh my did i learn to be a tad more conservative the more i rode.

Great instructor and a nice group, i was certainly the old fart in the group but the legs held up OK. There’s plenty to take in and keep the mind working as you learn the etiquette and with various “trains” whizzing past you at the same time. Lots of fun it certainly challenges your belief at first when heading out above the ”blue line” on the curve.

Now to decide when to go next👍🏻



Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
An an update from me, as I have raced at both Derby and Manchester velodromes in the UK for the past few years. @Ridgeway - it's worth keeping going, particularly as once you're accredited that can be used much more easily elsewhere. I race this bike at both, with the photo being from yesterday's Manchester Friday night track league:

I’ll most likely sign up for some sessions and also take some small group lessons, no2 daughter is also keen to try. Should be a nice winter keep fit campaign😉

PS: other parts of my legs that i didn’t know existed have remained me of their presence 😂
Did my second session on Monday evening. In this case it was to make sure you’re “track safe” before you can be unleashed so to speak. Longer session with about 40km covered overall, longer turns and a reminder that there’s little catching a breath on the track, that any my poor anticipation of what’s happening ahead = a bit more acceleration and deceleration inefficiencies.

First “nearly off” but i made a very lucky recovery😂

Signed up for the winter and now have 3 session opportunities each week, most likely will take a mid-week one though as it’s closer to work than home. This week an experienced friend was also there so nice to see how the good guys go, it looks so easy to cruise at 37kmh for 90mins😱


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
A fair few of us here have done a lot of sessions, and even done group bookings, the best was with the Derny - it was insane. I rode fixed for many years for commuting, so it was dead easy - I got bollixed for leg braking by the coach as they don't like it, but I was a fixed gear commuter. Stick to the rules and have fun.


Well-Known Member
Raced at Reading as Junior, (c1986/87), returned in my late 30’s, also rode regularly at Calshot & Newport.
Nothing quite like a good few laps on fixed wheel to wear you out.
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