Tour of Britain - Poshshire stage

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I retired early August 2006 from Royal Mail,so i joined the following July,i did a flounce after falling out with someone,then old Vernon came to see me and told me to rejoin.

13 rider

Depending on the route I will ride down to watch if it heads towards Leicestershire or Rutland boarder


Über Member
The womens tour has come my way a few times in the past, they did circuits going up Newnham hill and dropping down in to Dav the last time I saw it. The Mens tour has passed by before but only on the way to somewhere else. They finished at the top of Burton Dassett a few years ago, damn steep, two up sprint between Trentin and MVDP.


Legendary Member
Its a tad far to cycle up from south West herts, but we might well catch a train up to watch. Its either that or a weekend in suffolk to watch the final stage.
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