Remember them from the 80`s ... "It`s My Life" ... OK silly "joke" outta the way. Having a look at some past topics today and started reading entries on Torque wrenches ( some people say an absolute must for a carbon frame. Others pooh pooh them entirely ). I can see that they might be useful BUT are a tad pricey. Anyhows, came across a Ritchey torque hex key on the interweb. It is only for 4mm slots and only measures 5nm of torque. My Ritchey stem and bars ( WCS alloy ) are 4mm and require 5nm tightening so that`s fine BUT I have subsequently learned ( after ordering the gizmo .. might cancel the order ) that my 4mm seatpost clamp only requires 2.8 - 3.9 nm. The bike is a Scott Addict and that torque seems to me to be very low indeed. Question - can cycle torque wrenches be set as low as that ? I tawt they usually started at 5nm. I`ve never bothered with a torque wrench/hex key before but given how easy it perhaps is to write-off a frame with a careless twist I am now very curious. PS Don`t think I`ll cancel order after all ... I`ll at least be better informed of what 5nm of force is in practice.