toe clips

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Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
I fancy giving clips and straps a whirl; I have a couple of pairs of pedals and the clips and straps are cheap enough.

However all the clips I have looked at have a vertical mounting plate, where as my pedals require a horizontal plate, either "line astern" or "line abreast".

I could probably flatten out a pair with a vertical plate, but would rather buy suitable clips if I can.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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Über Member
If you do as you suggest you may find the other end does not position correctly and affects were the strap holds the foot.
This kind of toe clip is almost obsolete now, ask LBS, but they will probably shake their heads, ask local club cyclists, they may have some old ones in the corner of the shed . Local cycle jumble sale would be favorite if there is one near you. There are probably still some about but the time spent trying to find them could be spent on getting used to spd's.
Scilly Suffolk

Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
I've got "click" pedals, I just want to try out clips & straps (they'd look the part on my retro TT bike).

When you say "almost obsolete", do you mean clips with a horizontal plate or clips in general?


Über Member
Both, but mainly the ones you want. The are plenty of cheap traditional ones about.
To get a decent pedal & clip for your bike you may have to invest in new matching set of both rather than keep searching.
The only thing that seems to keep the cheap ones in production is cycle manufacturers who put them on there bikes so the bike can be ridden away from the store knowing that the vast majority of customers will soon change to "clip less". Any bike £1000 + just don't come with any pedals as the rider will select his weapon of choice,


Legendary Member
Try Ebay, although retro stuff has rocketed it price lately.

I wouldn't necessarily call this design obsolete as there are a few pedals put there which still use this system but I haven't noticed the cages to buy on their own. You could do worse that just buy a set of the Raleigh Avenir branded ones for about £15, I have them on one of my bikes and there is nothing wrong with them and being plastic, they don't rust. The cages for your pedals would need to be the chromed steel type to look right and they get scuffed and rusty as they get dragged along the ground.

No matter which pedal/cage combination you use, it's worth getting leather toe clips, vastly superior to any of the webbing type designs.
If you are looking for retro clip pedals for a TT bike you should look for a pair of Shimano 600 Tricolor pedals like these they take the clips shown on these Purely by coincidence I have a pair complete with the clips in very good condition and I live in Suffolk. Yours for a tenner and I'll even throw in an extra pair of similar pedals like these but with plastic toe clips. Not such good condition but useable. If you're doing the Sunrise ride I'll bring them with me.

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