To cycle or not to cycle tomorrow!

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Über Member
Merthyr, Wales
Tomorrow is the first chance I'll have had in ages to go fishing.

It's been 2 days since I rode my bike for one reason or another (usually get in at least a few miles every day).

I plan to go out to this lake (fishing) I keep meaning to go to but never have. It's a 20mile round trip or there abouts. I've cycled out there before, not to fish, just to see what the trip is like. It's alright, mainly A-Road, average mix of up and down hill with flats, the ups can be a tad steep I suppose I was a bit cacked out when I rolled up on the bank. Last time my trip computer said the whole journey took me 40mins ish.

Thing is, I DID get a puncture... In fact several, a later inner-tube inspection proved. There's alot of little stones and things like twigs with thorns that you're not always gonna see on the faster bits.

Now I have the dilema of, do I undertake a 20mile trip, while full loaded with my fishing gear... I don't exactley "fish light" I like to have as much of my kit with me as I can... ya know... just incase, I have to admit even a 3mile trip (to another lake I fish) is a bit of a labour at times with all that. OR, do I get a lift out there.

I don't know if I wanna try it with the risk of another puncture and "to cycle or not to cycle" is frying my brain tonight lol.

Sorry, ramble over.


New Member
Drop by the local bike shop and get them to fit a pair of Schwalbe City Jet tyres or some other type with puncture protection, then head off to the lake and enjoy your day out. :thumbsup:


Senior Member
Near Windsor
The green slime stuff is ok for thorns and stuff, and there are puncture resistant tyres out there too, like Armadillos and whatnot. In my experience p*tures are relatively rare until you comment on a forum about not having had one, then you incur the wrath of the p*ture fairy and had better be carrying 2 spare tubes.

Of more concern is whether you can safely carry all your fishing tackle on your bike, especially if you've got a lot. I remember trashing a roach pole in my youth because it extended itself whilst mounted to my top tube (or cross bar as we used to call them back then!) and it was goodbye fishing trip for me that day. If you've got some sort of rack on the back you'll probably have no probs with a modest tackle box but deffo don't try to hang anything off the handlebars!
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