Tips threads

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Slower than you

Active Member
Hi all
I may have missed it and probably staring me straight in the face but are there any stickies or threads about general technique, tips and training?


Legendary Member
There's a good search function :smile:

And some stickies in some sections

What sort of technique are you referring to? @Fnaar is a resident expert on *that* type :whistle:


Hard of hearing..I said Herd of Herring..oh FFS..
County Durham
On a serious note, imagine this is the pub. You have just asked a question. You will be innundated with inuendo. Pork scratchings can be cured with Assos cream.....Runners nipple is caused by the excitement of seeing a bike at the end of the running bit of a tri.......etc., etc..


Legendary Member
On a serious note, imagine this is the pub. You have just asked a question. You will be innundated with inuendo. Pork scratchings can be cured with Assos cream.....Runners nipple is caused by the excitement of seeing a bike at the end of the running bit of a tri.......etc., etc..
Are you daring to suggest that not all comments on CC are serious :crazy:
Slower than you

Slower than you

Active Member
Thanks for the replies. Don't always expect serious replies :laugh:

Meant about best way of using gears, when to peddle and rest, tips of maintenance.

As a first then, does cycling in the rain ruin the bike. Am I best using my old hybrid bike in the wet? Also do people clean the bike after each ride to keep it in good condition or isn't that needed?


Riding in the rain. After such an occasion, the bike comes into the kitchen for about half an hour to 'drip dry' on the lino, then it goes back to it's 'stable' in the hall under the stairs with three other bikes. The GLW and I keep all our bikes - ten - in the house simply 'cos it's a LOT safer than any shed or garage. The spinoff being of course that they dry off quickly and are unlikely to develop damp induced problems.:highfive: The only minor problem is that with five of the other bikes also being further along the hallway, it does make getting upstairs interesting on occasions - !:rofl:
Slower than you

Slower than you

Active Member
Wow that's a lot of bikes- you must have a massive hallway! I assume it's like deciding to take out the good or great car...not sure how u decide.

Is the rain bad for a road bike in the long term?


Legendary Member
Is the rain bad for a road bike in the long term?

Only Carbon ones. :whistle:

To be fair though any bike will corrode if neglected but that doesn't mean an obsessive cleaning regime is required just keep the important bits (chain/cables/rims and brake blocks) oiled/cleaned and then give the bike a thorough going over in the spring. Bikes tend to thrive on usage and fade away when stored.


Indeed. Our bikes in regular use, apart from the weekly lube and tyre pump, generally get a thorough clean in Spring & Autumn. The lesser used bikes; well, don't ask, but having said that, a dust down, tyre pump and proper lube up does the trick when we do use them - !:whistle: We don't have a 'massive ' hallway, but let's just say it's just as well neither of us are fat - !:rofl:
Slower than you

Slower than you

Active Member
Thanks for that.

As another question, what's the best sitting position on my bike for training? I may find that when peddling after a few miles, I move forwards on the seat when fighting a hill - is that normal or should I just be pushing my self back on to the back of the seat? When starting, the bike position feels comfortable

Could a stem be replaced for a shorter one if needed?

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