Tips for the Best Cycling

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New Member
I am beginner in cycling and I have searched so many website for getting good tips for cycling, but i couldn't find it please can you help me with great tips. I would appreciate your time.

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
Welcome. Your question is very vague/wide ranging. Are you talking about places to go, bikes to ride, clothing, pedalling style?


Senior Member
charlottebainb said:
I am beginner in cycling and I have searched so many website for getting good tips for cycling, but i couldn't find it please can you help me with great tips. I would appreciate your time.

Also you might want some tips about the terrain and types of roads you are cycling on.

Can you give us more information on the this? Region of the country, type od cycling, what kind of bike, etc...


Senior Member
A very warm welcome to you.

As already stated it would be helpful to know what sort of riding you want to do and what tips you are after.

But a good starting point is always to buy the best bike you can reasonably afford and around £300 for a new bike is the usual starting figure I have seen bandied about. If you cant afford that then try second hand.

And remember that there is no such thing as a stupid question.


New Member
rumour has it car drivers are smitten at times with temporary colour blindness that prevent dayglow yellow and led lights to be seen so never trust them no matter what safety gear your wearing or how good your lights are they might only see a matt black shadow its a strange afliction for no sooner are you invissible than your seen as is clearly demonstrated by the way you get bawled at and blamed for not using a signal flare at junctions as their sight returns .

good gloves in cold weather a must
get your bum protected theres nothing worse than derrier ache


New Member
The best tip I ever got was from my LBS man's wife.

She said "Don't close both eyes at the same time".

I never have in my forty five years on a bike, and it works....:sad:


Don't keep going round the same corner faster and faster as you gain confidence, eventually you crash, I know from experience.


Well-Known Member
Don't want to p*ss in the rose-scented bathwater here, but this don't smell right. I've seen a few similar posts hereabouts, and I think we're in spamland. Usually this sort of thing is done via email, but this looks like a mutant strain.

I know it's too easy to be cynical, but this sort of hit-and-run, post once, obviously not mother-tongue, always female name (trust and all) is often about cheap (as in wage slave) data-mining, whether it's by email or on forums.

Why? Collect enough well written, informative, keyword-rich answers, preferably from multiple sources, mash it all up, spend sod-all on a spammy .biz or .info domain, stick the content on it, hope that Google think it's all-new original content, and plaster said domain with pay-per-click advertising. Churn 'n burn, low margins, but, nonetheless, money can be made.

Just sticks in my craw. Hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so.


Four more top tips I've just remembered during my ride this morning, all learned from past experience.

When turning left and you need to signal with your left hand but you are also a bit too fast to take the corner, be very wary of braking with just your right hand whilst you indicate if the road looks slippery as you can loose your front wheel when it slips away from underneath you as you take the corner.

After exerting yourself, especially after climbing a steep hill, and you feel as if Mike Tyson has punched you in the solar plexus and your gasping for breath and also feel the need for a drink as well, let your breathing normalise a bit before drinking, otherwise you will feel as if if Mike Tyson has punched you again, due to the lack of breathing as you drink will deplete your oxygen even more, making you feel as if you have been suffocated immediatly after drinking as you gasp even harder for breath.

Always when going downhill and always when you are going flat out at reckless speeds, you will always get an itch on your face, resist temptation to let go of the bars with one hand to scratch it as you can be guaranteed the moment you do there will be a pot hole etc in the road giving you a brown stain in the pants moment as your front wheel hits it.

Cyclist who spends a lot of time in bushes, not yet mastered cornering on country lanes.
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