Tingling..left arm and hand when on Turbo trainer

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I have been using the turbo for nearly a year now, as well as getting out for some 40-60 plus mile rides when I can. Im not a novice, cycled from Spain back to the UK last year.

I have been plagued with back issues for 4 years, including major surgery on it.I went for a Caudal epidural for severe sciatica a month ago and it was noted that my blood pressure was through the roof. I presumed it was the stress of the procedure as it was checked 9 months ago and was fine.

I have noticed when training on the turbo over the last 6 weeks that I have been getting pins and needles in my left arm and hand, usually when my heart rate is maxed out..I also seem to be sweating more down my left arm than my right.

My position on the bike has been the same for years. Is this something I should visit my GP about?


Legendary Member


Middle aged bald git.
You probably have nothing more than nerve compression as a result of pressure on your hand / wrist. This may go away with adjustment of your cycling position.........but pain in your left arm COULD be cardiac in origin so definitely should be checked out asap.

berty bassett

Legendary Member
wouldn't have thought a heart attack comes and goes over six weeks - but i certainly aint a doctor - could it be that the back wheel is higher and putting more weight on hands - just a thought wouldnt hurt to get the doc though- hope you sort it

The Jogger

Legendary Member
Well, as in are you?

I have been using the turbo for nearly a year now, as well as getting out for some 40-60 plus mile rides when I can. Im not a novice, cycled from Spain back to the UK last year.

I have been plagued with back issues for 4 years, including major surgery on it.I went for a Caudal epidural for severe sciatica a month ago and it was noted that my blood pressure was through the roof. I presumed it was the stress of the procedure as it was checked 9 months ago and was fine.

I have noticed when training on the turbo over the last 6 weeks that I have been getting pins and needles in my left arm and hand, usually when my heart rate is maxed out..I also seem to be sweating more down my left arm than my right.

My position on the bike has been the same for years. Is this something I should visit my GP about?

Boy George

New Member
Hope you've sorted out your health issues. Are you interested in sharing info about your trip through the Pyrenees? Time of year, route, weather ...


Im still here,many thanks for you concern. Blood pressure was on the high side but resisted the option to take tablets so made some diet changes. I also purchase a BP monitor and this has shown the drop from 148/87 to 128/82 simply by cutting out salt in my diet and reducing alcohol intake over the last few months. Still some way to go.

However Im still on some hard core drugs for back pain and these can affect BP and bits and pieces but I have been encouraged to 'do what I can do.'

The pins and needles were probably down to my position apparently,so panic over, the turbo is now my only real form of exercise as cant get out on the bike for any time soon.


Good news. Be careful with BP monitors they can be quite inaccurate. I would visit GP/Nurse for a check in a weeek or so,
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